Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Art of Immersion

The Memory of Running

Super Sad True Love Story
The House of Sleep

Astonishing Splashes of Colour
          I liked the way these covers looked and I tried to pick covers that looked unique and different. I noticed I either chose something that was colorful, or something with no color. I also chose covers that were simple but it caught my attention. For example, the first book cover is extremely simple, but it was so hypnotic I couldn't leave the page without choosing the cover. The third cover is pretty organized. There is color and everything is symmetrical and orderly. It goes from one end to the next and so on.
          The first cover, I liked how it was so simple and it sort of hypnotized me to choose it. The second cover is extremely straightforward. I like that it was pretty creative because I would assume the book was about running from reading the title and a path is created on the cover of the book where the arrows tell you exactly where to read. The third cover I thought was also creative and orderly. There are multiple colors on the cover and the colors are repeated in every row. I thought this cover was cool because the title is read going down. The fourth cover caught my attention because it just looked lonely. The bed is just there in the center and there are no contrasting colors, it just seems sad and lonely. The final cover I chose I thought was creative because there is a shape of a woman who seems distressed and in the shape, there are a bunch of words that include the title, author, etc. I also liked the top of the cover which is a rainbow. This was a creative cover that evoked a lot of meaning. 

My Favorite Book

This book is a pretty good book. I also really liked the movie. Although the book was really good, I don't think the cover especially made the book stand out. I don't think the cover promotes the book well enough. I mean this book was about a guy named Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie [he is SOOOOO hot]) and Gatsby hosted many many parties that were extravagant but he really was not happy himself. It is represented by the face and the tear on the cover. The background looks like an extravagant party and it looks very festive. But most of the book described the green light he saw across the waters and I feel this book cover should have really depicted that. I like this book, but honestly the cover could have been a bit better.   

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Millennium High School Handbook

           At first I researched about Millennium and I read reviews about this school and surprisingly so many people want to come to Millennium. After I researched it, I looked up some pictures of phoenixes so I could work on the main part of my cover. Then, I drew a couple of thumbnail sketches for inspiration. I decided to combine two pictures together. I used a bold red color to fill in the phoenix and i wanted to make the phoenix both cute and bold at the same time. So I made the face cute and then I made the wings bold and I drew the bottom part that way to give the phoenix some power. I just colored everything in and tried to make the center, which was the phoenix as bold as possible.