Monday, November 4, 2013

Gif Reflection

-While using Gimp, what was most frustrating aspect of the program and/or project? (Ex. Gimp Tools, translating sketch to design, creating transitional layers, etc.)
     The most frustrating aspect of Gimp was basically EVERYTHING. I don't know if it was happening to anyone else, but so many things were going wrong for me. The colors would not work correctly, I literally drew everything out and I didn't know how to duplicate my picture until I was finished with my animation. I had a LOT of problems with Gimp and it really annoyed me because I didn't know how to fix it and I asked Ms.Lee and she couldn't figure out the color situation either. I also found the path tool utterly annoying because there were too many dots involved and it was so confusing to morph the curve into the shape I wanted so I ended up drawing everything out. I also tried to add the very first frame of the lower case t without any changes and it wouldn't work but it says it is there! Gimp made me very mad.
-After completing the project, which Gimp tools do you feel most confident in using? Explain why. 
      I feel most confident in using the paintbrush because it is literally the tool I used most and I think it became easier for me to draw shapes because that is what I did for majority of my gif.
-Which Gimp Tool do you wish you were better at using?   Explain why. 

      I wish I was better at using the path tool because it would have made my gimp layers easier to make because most of my shapes were curved shapes.

-What would you like to create with Gimp next?
     I would like to use Gimp to edit photos and make them all purty then maybe put them together into an animation as well. That would be cool :D

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